10 Home Remedies To Darken Grey Hair - OJYA Natural


10 home remedies to darken grey hair

Greying of hair is natural and happens to everyone someday but, it can be the worst nightmare if streaks of silver and white start to pop up in your 20s. They may say grey hair is a sign of wisdom and maturity but premature greying is definitely not. Instead, this your body’s wakeup call to tell you to start eating right. Yes! You read it right, good and healthy eating makes a lot of difference.

Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables especially green veggies and yoghurts are some of the things you must eat regularly. Such a diet will not only result in beautiful skin but also healthier and shinier hair. And as for the grey hairs, don’t rely on those synthetic and chemical bottles because they are full of harmful ingredients which only cause more hair loss, greyer hair, poor quality and also adversely affect your health.

But, you don’t worry because nature provides us with simple and easy home remedies which have been used for ages and you’ll find all the ingredients right in your kitchen. These simple home remedies listed below will help you darken your grey hair in no time without causing any further damage.

1. Black Tea Remedy
Using Black Tea on hair is very effective as it stains the hair, making it black gradually. It also adds volume and shine to your hair, making for a perfect remedy to revive dull and lifeless hair.

2 teaspoons black tea leaves
1 cup of water

Boil the black tea in a cup of water for a few minutes and set it aside to cool down.
Once the tea has cooled down, apply it on your hair.
Now let it rest for an hour.
Rinse your hair with water and avoid using shampoo.
You can do this remedy once in two weeks for better results.

2. Henna + Black Tea + Lemon + Amla Remedy
Henna is a natural dye and its antibacterial and antifungal properties help in maintaining the pH balance of the scalp. Amla is great for hair as it makes the hair strong and also helps the scalp in restoring it’s lost moisture. Black tea and lemon are also very effective when used on hair as black tea gradually darkens the hair and lemon cut offs the excess oil.

4 tablespoons henna powder
2 teaspoons black tea leaves
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon amla powder

Soak the henna powder in a cup of water overnight for 7-8 hours.
In the morning, boil the black tea leaves in a cup of water for a few minutes and set it aside to cool down.
Once the tea has cooled down, add it to the henna paste along with amla powder and lemon juice.
Stir the mixture well to ensure there are no lumps.
Now, using a pair of gloves and a brush apply the paste onto your hair evenly from roots to tips. Make sure to cover all the grey hair.
Let it rest until the paste dries up.
Rinse using shampoo and conditioner.
Use this mask once a month for effective results.

3. Coconut Oil + Lemon Remedy
Both these ingredients, coconut oil and lemon are great for hair. They do not reverse the greying of hair but, gradually darken the hair by preserving the pigment cells of hair follicles.

2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Take a bowl and mix both the ingredients well.
Now apply it on your hair from top to bottom.
Tie your hair and let it sit for 30 minutes.
Apply this mixture twice a week for effective results.

4. Curry Leaves + Coconut Oil Remedy
Curry leaves is an age-old remedy for treating grey hair. It contains powerful antioxidants along with various vitamins and minerals. Apart from preventing the growth of grey hair, it nourishes and strengthens the hair and boosts hair growth by improving the scalp health. Also, it makes the hair soft and healthy while coconut oil preserves the pigment cells for darkening of hair.

A handful of curry leaves
3 tablespoons coconut oil

Using a pan heat the curry leaves and oil until you see a black residue.
Set the oil aside to cool.
Once the oil has cooled down apply it on your hair from top to bottom.
Tie your hair and let it rest for an hour.
You can use this remedy 2-3 times a week.

5. Potato Peel Remedy
Potato peel is one of the best solutions for darkening grey hair. The starch solution helps to restore the hair pigments and prevents further greying of hair.

Potato peels of 6 potatoes
2 cups of water

Using a pan start boiling the potato peels until the starch solution starts forming.
Let it cool down.
Now, strain the solution from the potato peels in a mug.
Once you have washed your hair using a shampoo and conditioner, pour the liquid on your hair while rinsing.
Do not wash your hair any further.
Do this remedy once or twice a week for darker hair.

6. Oats Remedy
Apart from numerous health benefits, oats are also known for turning grey hair into black. The presence of biotin in oats deeply nourishes and darkens the hair. It also acts as a good conditioner.

5-6 tablespoons oats
Almond oil

Take oats in a bowl and add enough oil to it.
Stir well to form a paste and apply in on your hair.
Let it sit for 30-45 mins and rinse.
You can apply this paste once a week.

7. Amla + Coconut Oil Remedy
Amla, as mentioned above is great for hair. It has antioxidants along with vitamin C, which help in slowing down the greying process and coconut oil, on the other hand, preserves the pigments for darkening of hair.

1 tablespoon amla powder
3 tablespoons coconut oil

Add both the ingredients in a pan and heat it until partially burned. Let it cool down.
Once, the mixture cools down, apply it all over your hair.
Leave it for an hour or you can also leave it overnight.
Rinse using shampoo and conditioner.
You can repeat this 1-2 times in a week.

8. Oil Remedy
Regular oiling adds to the health of hair and also helps in preserving colours. Generally, most oils prevent greying of hair but only a few help darken the hair over a period of time.

Black castor oil
Black seed oil
Jojoba oil
Olive hair oil
You can choose any one oil of your choice.

Slightly heat the oil and massage the warm oil onto your hair from top to bottom.
Take a towel and heat it by dampening it in hot water.
Now wrap it up on your hair and let it sit for 15-20 mins. (You can repeat this one more time if you want.)
Rinse using a shampoo and conditioner.
You can do this remedy 2-3 times a week.

9. Black Pepper + Yogurt Remedy
Black pepper helps to darken the grey hair while yogurt conditions and softens the hair.

2 g black pepper
1 cup yogurt

Blend both the ingredients until a paste is formed.
Apply it onto your hair from top to bottom.
Now tie your hair and let it sit for an hour.
You can apply this paste thrice a week for good results.

10. Onion Juice Remedy
Onion juice is very rich in catalase, an enzyme responsible for darkening the hair from roots. It also contains numerous vitamins and minerals which also nourishes the hair and prevent any hair loss by strengthening them.

Onion juice from 1 onion

Extract juice from an onion and apply it on hair, particularly on the roots.
Leave it for about 30-40 mins.
Repeat this 2 times a week for effective results.

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